Dave Sonnet

Location: Philadelphia
Skills: DY HIT PT
Gym: -
Join Date: 2016-11-29
Trainer E-Mail: dyhit.pt.dave@gmail.com


I got my first set of dumbbells when I was 12 years old and I loved the feeling it gave me. I have lifted on and off since then. I was a swimmer in high school and then lifted a lot in college. I returned to exercise after gaining a lot of weight way too fast and each year I was hitting a new record I use to call \"The Most I ever weighed\". I started again in January 2012 and I have worked on an off with a personal trainer culminating in my first show in November 2015. Please contact me and I can help coach you along on your own journey. One Day at a Time. One Workout at a Time. https://www.facebook.com/dyhitdave.sonnet

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